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The Healing Wire will soon become a non-profit organization to help assist anyone in need of therapy and healing. Love offerings or donations are welcomed but not required. 

Reiki Treatment

Energy Healing
2 hour session 


Our session will consist of relaxing in some super, comfy bean bag chairs! I want you to be able to unwind and release any emotions. My role is to listen and understand all that's weighing on you. We'll communicate with ways to help with healing and if any "intuitive" guidance comes through, I'll be sure and relay any messages received. Afterwards, you'll lie on a bed with a blanket. Comfortable clothing is recommended. It's your job to take the time to relax, do some deep breathing and just soak up the sacred space! While you do that, I will be using a massage gun on the feet combining foot reflexology with balancing your energy centers.

zoom therapy

Distance Therapy
1.5 hour -Zoom/Phone call


Let's talk!

This session is all about communication through the phone or zoom calls! Sometimes we just need someone to talk to! I'm here for you! Like mentioned in person, we'll be doing a therapy session and will try to help navigate through intuitive guidance. Whether it's emotional or physical, you can receive healing energy to you remotely, using a combination of visualization and prayer. 

Energy Healing

A Tune-Up Visit
1- 2 hour session 


Any returning client that wants to come in for a "tune-up" one hour session, this is available. A One-on-One Energy Healing session must be done for this to apply. 

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